Turnabout: A Story Game

Writer J. Robert Lennon presents us with an engaging maze of story—move left, right, up, down, and find a new twist with each read.

I originally wanted to create a story, or cluster of stories, in the form of a “word search” puzzle, with story elements as “letters,” that invited the reader/player to find contiguous narratives within the grid. But then I wondered if I could make every single node part of a story. This is the result. Every column reads as a story from top to bottom; every row reads as a story from left to right (except for one, which reads right to left, just for kicks.) Readers/players may also find a few diagonal vignettes, and are invited to mix and match elements as they see fit. The whole can even be printed out, cut up, and rearranged.

About J. Robert Lennon

J. Robert Lennon is the author of two story collections, Pieces For The Left Hand and See You in Paradise, and eight novels, including Mailman, Familiar, and Broken River. He teaches writing at Cornell University.

PLAY enables exploration.